I use the spatial having-become of the material, the irregularities, the various thicknesses, the imperfect. I remove layers of poster, I flatten, I elaborate what exists.
- 13a, 2017 (28,6x40,5x4cm)
- 13i, 2017 (28,6x40,5x4cm)
- 21a, 2014 (140x41x4cm)
- 21i, 2014 (140x41x4cm)
- 9a, 2012 (34x50x1,3cm)
- 9i, 2012 (34x50x1,3cm)
- 09a, 2017 (27,5x48,8x2,4cm)
- 09i, 2017 (27,5x48,8x2,4cm)
- 06a, 2015 (206x43x3,5cm)
- 06i, 2015 (206x43x3,5cm)
- 04a, 2018 (74,6x38,5x3,2cm)
- 04i, 2018 (74,6x38,5x3,2cm)
- 14, 2019 (82,7x40,5x0,9cm)